Things that make me nostalgic !!

Syeda Kisa
3 min readJun 11, 2021


HELLO reader !! If you are a person who loves to collect little memories and think about positive past experiences almost half of the time then you will love this blog. I can say this with high confidence because I am that person who loves to collect objects as a reminder. In this blog, I will be sharing those same things, person, and places that make me nostalgic.

A girl sunk in an ocean of her memories

Let's start with a person who pushed me to take part in an amazing career preparation fellowship offered by Amal Academy, for which I am very thankful. I have also mentioned her in my previous blogs. She is my BFF, my university mate, my internship partner, my colleague, and now my Amal fellow. We were in doing our fellowship at the exact same time but in different batches. The barrier of being at different batches doesn't affect us, from orientation to megaproject we discussed everything that we do in our circles and sessions. She is the person that will always remind me of Amal's fellowship.

The girl with longer+wavy hair is her ❤️️ — COVID time

Now, it's time to talk about the things that I exclusively used in the Amal session. I am sure, whenever in life I will open this diary, use a mechanical pencil, see this dried leaf [a bookmark with Urdu poetry that I wrote on it], this will remind me of these beautiful days of Amal fellowship that is about to end tomorrow which is 13th June 2021.

A diary with a life map made on it, a mechanical pencil, Bangles made up of fresh jasmine flowers, and a dried leaf aka bookmark. The Urdu verse is written on the leaf says; The season of fall is crying hidden within the leaves.

Last but not the least, the place that gives me a nostalgic feeling because I used to sit there during my tea breaks at the office to complete Amal’s project works. I along with my friend used to sit here to discuss the case studies of our PW, used to gossip about our fellows as well as shared the positive & cheerful moments that happened at our weekend sessions.

Department’s courtyard, Aga Khan University, Pakistan

There are many other things that make me nostalgic, if you want to know more about it then keep showing love and stay tuned for more blogs. I hope you enjoyed my precious memories.

