Edily- Blog 1 (Circle 7)

Syeda Kisa
2 min readJun 11, 2021



Circle 7 decided to innovate the world of desserts with something which is comparatively more environmentally friendly and eye-catching. The idea behind this project is to replace the traditional plastic cups with jello glass to save the earth.


Circle 7, we a group of 6 peoples had a roller coaster journey. We faced many ups and down while executing this idea of Edily — the edible culinary. The main issue that we faced was the lockdown and ban on dine-in, due to covid because the whole idea was based on physical activities.

A Rocky Start:

We arranged several meetings and did intensive research. Each member was assigned to explore different aspects of the idea including availability, potential customers, and benefits of the product. The idea was totally based on physical activities and due to covid, it couldn’t be either possible for execution as the government announced the lockdown. But, Circle-07 managed to come with better solutions to overcome those problems related to lockdown.

Acceleration towards the destination:

Multiple meetings have been conducted per week. On our first meeting, we have brainstormed ideas to kickstart our Mega Project. Later on we had a meeting with our program manager to discuss on our final idea to get his feedback. He really liked our idea and showed us a green signal. So with high morale and great enthusiasm, we initiated our project. On the very same day, we decided our roadmap to make our idea more successful.


And here we officially started our journey towards achieving our goal of saving the earth and providing our community a new idea of culinary. For more updates visit our blog 2 on edily startup.

