Edily-An Edible Culinary Experience

Syeda Kisa
5 min readJun 14, 2021


In this blog, we are taking you through a wonderful journey of our Mega Project, that is “Edily- an Edible Culinary Experience”.

Planning the Expedition:

We started with high ambitions as a team of 6 highly motivated individuals with Syeda Kisa being the leader along with Syeda Misbah, Tayyaba Khalid, Raza Ali, Syed Mubashir and Muhammad Hayyan.

The whole idea behind “EDILY” is to replace the traditional plastic cups with jelly glasses as an eco-friendly, healthy and tempting treat. Yes you heard it right, now you can eat your glass after finishing your favorite drink. Sounds cool! Right?

Nowadays all the nations are trying to reduce their carbon footprint and plastic cups are really inefficient so, we have come up with “Edily”. Our jelly glasses have the potential to totally eliminate the plastic cup waste. Edily start-up is a sustainable business idea with promising selling strength and increased public attraction. And best of all, they are delicious.

Creating a Roadmap:

After finalizing our project, the first meeting we held was all about creating a project timeline. We decided on the steps, we have to follow to execute our idea effectively and timely. We divided the workload among ourselves and started working on it immediately.

Turning on the Car:

We conducted a thorough market research, taking opinions of different vendors and other people regarding this idea. After several Google Meets later, we had finally decided on the ingredients and recipe. We were fully prepared with our marketing tactics and strategies.

Turning up Speed — First Gear:

First challenge we had to accomplish was to make a glass according to our desired qualities. We wanted to make a glass of gelatin have three important characteristics.

1. It should be firm and easy to handle.

2. It should be stable at room temperature. It must maintain its shape and not melt until consumer has finished his drink.

3. Most importantly, it should be delicious.

Slow Down — Speed Bump Ahead:

We tested different ratios of ingredients. After few testings, we were quite disappointed. The glass always broke or split when taking out from the mold. We wanted glasses but after several attempts the only thing we got were broken pieces of jelly. But we didn’t lose hope. We did not give up and keep experimenting. And FINALLY we got the recipe right and Voila.. we got our very own jelly glass.

Before this point, we were doubtful of our idea. We were not sure if we can formulate the right recipe or will the glasses be as we expected it to be. Now we were confident that we can achieve something from this project idea.

Nearing our Destination — Second Gear:

The next task was to work on Packaging. We researched about different packaging materials and agreed on “Butter Paper”. We chose butter paper because it has low water absorption quality. Also its smooth inner surface will be perfect to provide safety to our product. Butter paper has nonstick qualities so we can use it directly with food product. It will not contaminate our product on touch. Its heat resistant quality will help us to maintain product sustainability. Most importantly we use butter paper for packaging because it is easily decomposable.

Almost There — Third Gear:

Last stop was marketing and our business would be good to go. Marketing is an essential part to promote any product and for that, there is a dire need for a good marketing strategy. While developing marketing strategy we kept in mind the 4P’s of marketing i.e Product, Price, Place and Promotion that,

· Does our product satisfy customer’s needs?

· What is the value of the product to the buyer?

· Where are our target customers shopping?

To create awareness about our product, we promoted it using social media and we also designed brochures to give details about our environment-friendly Edily glasses that why someone should prefer Edily over traditional glasses.

After implementing our marketing strategy, we approached different vendors, including V-shack and thirsty, and explained our product.

Stop — Engine Ceased:

All the things were going as planned until the “Covid Lockdown”. The idea was totally based on physical activities and due to ongoing pandemic, it was not possible to execute the idea as government had announced the lockdown and ban on dining out. But Circle 7 managed to come with better solutions to overcome this hurdle. We decided to work with only one or two shops instead of five or six. We managed our time so that all the outdoor tasks would be completed before evening to abide by the rules enforced by government.

Damage Repair — Good to Go:

We were able to convince two vendors and were successful in selling nine glasses. So when we made those glasses the cost per glass was Rs.70 and we sold those glasses Rs.80 each. We sold nine glasses and generated the profit of Rs.90 i.e. Rs.10 per glass.

Destination Reached:

We not only asked our customers for their money but we also requested them for their valuable feedback. Let have a look on the feedback and comments we received on Edily.

Next Trip — Planning Ahead:

After these amazing comments and feedback we received on early we are now planning to take this project a step ahead by finding sponsorships, so that we can produce Jelly glasses on a larger scale which will also reduce the per piece cost. Then we will try to collaborate with even bigger bands.

We are also working on the production of new shapes and flavors likes Edily bowls that can be used for ice creams and desserts.

That’s it. Mission accomplished. Hope you have enjoyed the entire journey of ‘Edily’ with us, Amal Circle 7 of batch 187.

